my journey to health

September 10, 2014

WARNING – There will be bad words!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 9:40 am

So it has been a rather hectic couple of months! I feel like all I have done is party, every, single weekend, now don’t get me wrong I am not complaining but I think I need a weekend off,  alas there is still something on every weekend for the next four!! This is not helping my weight loss as I tend to lose all willpower after my 3rd drink and up to that 3rd drink I have very little to start with.

But hey, a mans gotta do, what a mans gotta do!! I started a new job last week I am now doing all the cakes in a new bakery which is fantastic, amazing food, best of everything when it comes to ingredients, organic this, free range that, not a gram of white sugar in sight, we even churn our own organic butter, I kid you not! Loving working there, the people are awesome, it is a really nice little family business. It does however come with its downsides – concrete freakin floors, I forgot for a small space of time the agony these cause me, the first two days I wore sneakers, by the end of the second day, my feet were so sore I couldn’t even rest them on the ground without causing pain, so back out came my beautiful crocs, and I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone says about crocs, they save my feet, nothing works like they do with their beautiful rubber, cushiony goodness!!

The other issue of course when you are this size is just the general pain of standing, for long periods of time, and I mean all day as we do not stop, it is a lot weight for my poor legs and feet to hold up and by the end of the day my legs are aching to the point where it doesn’t matter how you sit or lie you just can’t get comfortable. So, as I can no longer go to my wednesday morning class, mike thought it would be a fantastic idea to come on wednesday night. Well fuck that I say!! Tonight I went, cause I simply do not have the balls to say no to him, and wow, just wow! My feet and legs were already very sore, but it was okay because we were doing boxing tonight, I love boxing!! And I enjoyed the boxing what I didn’t enjoy was all the stupid fuckin exercises in between!

I’m good with crunchies, hell I will even suffer through squat pulses, leg raises and at a push planking, but fuckin burpees and push ups, hell no, that is where I draw the line. I cannot do a god damn burpee, I am fat, I cannot bounce down and kick my legs out, fuck, it is hard enough to get up off the ground from sitting letting alone a fuckin burpee. I imagine it is similar to watching a hippo lower themselves into the water then drag themselves back out again, I FUCKIN HATE BURPEES!!!

Burpees however were simply not enough torture, we then had to do push ups, now push ups are not easy in the first place, I do them on my knees because I simply do not have the strength to do more than one on my toes, but jesus that is 136 kilos my poor arms and wrists are trying to lift, sure it is better than the original almost 150 but it is still a shitload of weight, my arms are sore, my wrists are killing me and I think from now on I am going to boycott all body weight exercises until my body weight is a lot less.

So I finish tonight with legs that feel like jelly and wrists that are glad I have the day off work tomorrow, I finish with the determination that these poxy ass exercises he makes me do will not get the better of me and hopefully soon, there will be nowhere near as much weight to lift

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