my journey to health

September 1, 2014

Back to it!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 12:41 am

Over the weekend I drunk far too much! Ate too much and had a fantastic time !!! Weigh in today was a kilo up – ooops!! But we are back into it now more cardio this block which is good, just what I need!

I have been reminded how shit being fat over summer is, winter lulls you into a false sense of security you can wear clothes that look ok you can cover up, you don’t sweat or get ridiculously hot,  in fact winter is pretty tolerable as a fat person.  Over the weekend I developed a bit of a rash under my stomach and I was very quickly reminded that summer will bring so much more!! It hurts, it is horrible and I don’t want to have to tolerate that again this summer I want to be able to wear clothes that allow me to cool down, I want to not have to carry rash cream with me every where I go, I would love to not have to carry heartburn medication around as well – only getting smaller will fix these things. So I have got this, I am on it, time for some seriously hard work and good eating.


Doing this is a little like giving up smoking (which I have also done) you have to do it when your ready, not when everyone tells us to, we are going to slip up, we are going to still eat bad sometimes, we will also drink too much and slip back into old habits, but you know what as long as we keep going that is okay, I for one am not going to beat myself up, it is a very long road I and others like me have chosen to start on.

Please do not judge our food choices, do not tell us we shouldn’t be eating that, just let us do it in our own time in our own way, it is our journey not yours, you can not lead the way or try and drag us down your path – the only person who can do that for me is mike, because I pay him to be my conscience, I pay him to tell me off, show me what to do and push me further. No one else’s input will be listened too!!

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