my journey to health

May 28, 2014


Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 10:19 am

I freakin love boxing, this 6 week block of shapeshift is boxing and it is awesome, it is like doing exercise without even realising you are doing it!! Except monday, we did squats, not loads of squats but jesus my legs are still killing me 3 days later, they are so ridiculously sore, I am still walking like a cowboy but I went back and did a class again today. It hurt but I did it and actually enjoyed it too!!

I am doing 3 classes a week and am thinking fuck this surgery shit, I am going to do this on my own, I can I just gotta move my ass and commit myself, hell I even went back to the gym this week!!
It was quite interesting actually – I love doing weights my fav is the lat pull down, we obviously don’t do many things at shape shift that use similar muscles because I had definitely gotten a lot weaker at that, I used to do 5 sets of 10 reps at 60 kilos, yesturday I did 3 x 10 at 50 kilos and I barely managed it, however when I did clean lift ( i think that is what it is called) another favourite of mine, I have always done 5×10 of 10 kilos, this time I reached 50 and hadn’t even broken a sweat, will try 12.5 next time and see how I go!!

So as I hate cardio at the gym, like really, really hate it, I will use shape shift as my cardio and of course everything else and will go back to the gym to do weights cause that is what I really enjoy!!! Lets see if I can keep my motivation up for an entire 6 weeks!!!

On another note, my bowels are playing up really badly, for the first time in a really long time I have been living on tramadol again, I hate how tired it makes me feel and how spaced out but at the moment I am in a lot of pain!!
I am sure I have mentioned this on here before, but I have things called diverticuli, which are quite literally pockets on my bowel wall, most people have a flat wall I have pockets, what happens is things get stuck in these pockets and they cause infections, which cause a lot of pain and these attacks are called diverticulitis. It is funny because every year since they first discovered it I have ended up in hospital around june/july I don’t know why it flairs up at this time but it does. The first time it got so badly infected it actually perforated my bowel wall which left me on iv antibiotics in hospital for a week – not pleasant!! Since then I watch my diet and am now aware of the things that flair it up. I am not sure what is going on this time as I have been eating pretty well, I barely drink anymore and the worst thing is I can feel it happening and getting worse and there is nothing I can do to stop it – this time the pain is pretty severe in  my back as well which is very unpleasant, so I am trying to keep it at bay and carry on as normal, fingers crossed it goes again soon as I really don’t want to go back to the days of living on tramadol

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