my journey to health

April 18, 2014

SURGERY eeeek!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 11:42 am

So my doctor has now reffered me for weight loss surgery, I am still in two minds as I don’t really know if i want to do it, I am loving the exercise, I love mikes classes I am even doing an extra one tomorrow. I know who is this person you may ask!!

But I still do not have my eating under control and I don’t know if I ever will, I can go for weeks eating well, enjoying eating well and then boom, out of the blue I go and buy a bag of chips and some dips and I sit down and I eat the whole lot, which makes me want more, then the next day I feel like ass, so I eat bad again, it is freakin madness and it takes a lot of will power to stop this downward spiral of destruction.

Luckily for me I have this willpower it just doesn’t work for me all the time, if it did I wouldn’t be this fat!!

Anyway a bit about my doctor, he used to be a huge man, he lost 100 odd kilos and he is just awesome, he gets it, he fully understands, he gets everything I say and sometimes I don’t even need to say it, he just gets it. For this I am eternally grateful, there is nothing worse than a doctor who doesn’t understand, who just doesn’t get the weight issue.

We have talked about surgery time and time again, I think I finally feel ready to explore it, I think I am in the right frame of mind to have it not as a quick fix like I used to think of it but as something to fix what is wrong with me and that is my eating! I exercise I am healthy but the food is a serious issue and I need help with it.

I am still not 100% convinced and the thought scares the shit out of me, but I have had the blood tests and doc has put the referral in, it won’t happen for quite some time, even if it does happen so I may never have to make the decision and then again I may, in the meantime I will research what I can, put my mind at ease and leave it in the hands of fate

One Response to “SURGERY eeeek!!!”

  1. christine mabon Says:

    I love our blog, it so sums up the battle that we all have when we are obese. Your honest is courageous and I wish there were more of us that “get it”. I had WLS two years ago and am now half my size – I lost 60+ kg. My life is different but there are still problems. Shopping is fabulous and so much fun being able to buy clothes in normal people sizes, and much cheaper too. I have however continued to have health issues with autoimmune diseases. I really thought that the surgery would take these away but it didn’t :(. Surgery is a life long commitment just as working on weight management is. Those who say it is the easy way out just make me mad. Good on you for making the choice, it took me many years to finally make the choice too, but how else could I have lost this much weight. It is life changing. Make sure though to get some professional help with the emotional eating as it will not go away and may even be heightened after WLS. Good luck on your journey and I will enjoy following your progress. Much love xx

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