my journey to health

August 19, 2013

Feeling good

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 1:45 am

So today in our PT session I felt really good, I have to remind myself sometimes how far I have come – I have gone from barely being able to do squats to doing over 100, I could not lunge, I could not balance and just could not lower myself enough to do one, now I do walking lunges. Jog bahahahaha doubt it, no way, now I can do small distances of interval training and it doesn’t actually kill me!!!
Today I ran up half the stairs at the stadium!! Yes ran!! Up stairs!! WTF who is this person doing this stuff??

I have to thank amy for motivating me, I started dreading monday mornings, now I actually god forbid almost look forward to it, I love being pushed just that little bit further and see what I am now capable of doing. And my awesome friends who have all joined me in this little crusade and are doing challenges with me and adding more and pushing themselves!!!

Today at the stadium as we were leaving, there was a very large woman walking along with crutches, she started talking to us and laughing about amy making me walk around the stadium. She was there to walk the stairs, not only was she a big woman, but she was on crutches, now if someone like that can get off their ass and exercise then I have no excuses ever

I also get now why people say exercise helps with depression, I used to be very unmotivated, busy yes, motivated no!! Since I have been exercising I want to get out more, I want to do more things, it used to be a dvd and chips and dip and vodka, now it is going out with the kids walking, doing things, seeing things!! I remember a guy I used to see for weight loss saying how much of our lives revolve around food, you do something good you reward yourself with a meal out or a drink, you meet up with friends you do it with food or around food, everything we do that makes us feel good has food involved in it and you know I finally see now, years later that he is right – everything i did revolved around food and drinking!!!

I used to be tired, all the time, on a monday and a friday when the kids were at kindy, chris and I would sleep, all day, just sleep and often in the afternoons I would have a wee nap, I don’t do that now, yep I have a sleep in on a sunday morning, usually till around 10 and I love that and am not giving it up, but the rest of the time, what a waste what a waste of a day and a waste of time

Well no more, food is now something I put in my body to make it work properly, with the odd treat thrown in there!! Drinking is something I have had to seriously look at it was only 1 or 2 at night, sometimes every night then a 6 pack on a saturday night, one for lunch on a sunday it is a day off after all!! Now I just want to drink when I socialise, not on my own, not because it is there, but because I want to enjoy a few with my friends, this is the next thing I am working on!!!

My first step was losing the premixes, which I have done, I bought a bottle of vodka a couple of weeks ago and when I have a drink it is that with coke zero, no more sugar laden pre mixes – now to not automatically pour a drink at night, which I am getting good at, one bottle, two weeks, still half of it there – pretty damn good for me!!!

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