my journey to health

August 14, 2013

Been a little unwell!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 9:50 am

Sooo on saturday night I decided it would be a good idea to eat KFC, expecting of course the normal reaction to fatty foods, a little diarrhea, a bit of discomfort but meah I love KFC it was worth it!!
Woke up sunday morning with what I expected only I felt pretty crook, terrible stomach cramps, really bad diarrhea, I just felt like ass. I spent the whole day on the couch not eating barely drinking just feeling terrible, slept well all night, then woke on monday with the worst case of diarrhea (lets see how many times I can use that word in one post lol) I think I have ever had, and back pain that was unbelieveable. Chris got up got charlie off to school and by the time he got back I was in agony, having only had abdo pain with diverticulitis  before I was a bit concerned about the back pain.
So I went up to the hospital knowing that the danger with diverticulitus is how quickly an infection can become a perforation. They took me straight in as by the time I got there I could barely walk, sure enough I had a temperature and there was infection, after attemptin 9 times to get a luer in they finally managed and started me on fluids and iv antibiotics.
Then off to north shore to make sure it wasn’t something more sinister.
By the time I was settled at north shore on mon night it had been two days since I had had my kfc and I was a little hungry, but no, no food allowed.
Tuesday they sent me off for a ct which is so weird when they inject dye in you, such a creepy strange feeling, ct showed that the inflammation was not in the part of my bowel diverticulitis shows and they think it is chrons disease, so they allowed me home  to be seen for a colonoscopy and biopsy as an outpatient.

So that was my exciting week, it is now wed night, I still am struggling to keep any food or drink inside my body and apparently this can go on for a while – yipee!! Though great for weight loss, shame it will go straight back on again but hey at least it is something in the meantime.

I have struggled to lie around and do nothing, I have believe it or not totally missed doing exercise so I came home and managed 80 squats, scary how quickly you can lose it I struggled to do the 80 but I still did it!!! Now to get a bit of energy up so I can do more and hope like hell it is something random and not chrons

I am also looking at it as a bit of a wake up call to pull my head in with my eating, I have been good, but slowly letting things slip in that I shouldn’t be, so I just need a kick up the ass every now and again to keep on track!!

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