my journey to health

August 4, 2013

Blimmin Weight!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 7:56 pm

So yesturday I went to the mall and decided to weigh myself, I figure it had been long enough!!
The result ?? I put on 2 kilos, how the hell does that happen??

I will admit to being a little disappointed when I saw it come up on the screen and my first though was fuck, all that work for nothing!! But after about 5 mins I got over myself and remembered it is not about the weight it is about me and my health and fitness, so I came home did my squat and arm challenge!!

My eating needs to get better I still eat things sometimes without thinking, but in the same token, eating is something I love, and really enjoy, I have learned about portion control and am getting there – a handful of chips is better than a whole bag!! I have to not punish myself for eating the wrong thing, the odd time I do, because as soon as I start feeling bad about eating something it is too easy to start that whole cycle of well I ate one thing so I have blown it may as well pig out for the rest of the day!! So I am refusing to feel bad about the odd bad food choice, I would rather look at how much better I am doing !!

My doctor once said to me when you are trying to lose weight and things go bad and you put on a few kilos, you need to not focus on the fact you put a few on but focus on the ones you have still kept off – it isĀ  a head thing and sometimes is it is not so easy to make you head think they way you know it should.

So I am now doing a squat challenge, arm challenge and perhaps cardio challenge, haven’t decided on that one yet, and I am going to see the doctor about the calf and hip pain I am having as it is making the exercise part hard and not so enjoyable


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