my journey to health

July 21, 2013

Getting fitter

Filed under: Uncategorized — fattyboomsticks @ 9:52 am

I also started doing yoga, absolute beginners yoga, yoga that basically consists of breathing and the odd stretching, god it is hard, why?? Because there is a lot of fat on me, it is impossible for me to bend my leg and grab hold of my knee, I simply can’t it is physically impossible, there is too much fat in between to enable my hands to reach my knee, even with it bent!!!

So I started doing this regularly so that one day I would be able to reach that damn knee and pull my leg into a proper stretch!!

Which reminds me, the first time at the stadium amy wanted me to stretch by putting my leg up behind me and grabbing my foot, ha ha guess what I could not do, again too much fat in between, I look forward to the day I can do this!!

Our third session at the track was a good one, we did two rounds of the track walking then squats lunges and those god damn stairs – how I loathe those stairs!!
Lunges I struggle with, I struggle with the balance and getting my knees down there, but I have noticed it getting easier I am a little less unco this week.

The coming back down the stairs is a struggle as well, I just drop myself off the stairs, it is actually really hard to hold your weight on one leg and control your step down, but this week it was just that tiny bit easier.

I struggle with the walks this week, did the tuesday walk ok, and then wednesday I really did not want to do it, but I went anyway and thanks to tawa for coming with me or I would never have gone!!

Then friday as I was about to leave the house for my walk my cousin rung, she needed a jumpstart, and I almost jumped for joy, an excuse and a good excuse to not walk!!!

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