Made it through christmas!!!
Thank god, that is over, I didn’t over indulge at all, in fact I was pretty damn good if I do say so myself, apart from a couple of lindt chocolates it was all good. And I exercised, got back in the couch to 5k which one day I will actually complete!
And then new years hit!! I figured what the hell I am going to have one night off, so boy did I, I pretty much ate my body weight in chips and reduced cream dip, I drank more than one bottle of wine, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, I continued it into the next day with more chips and dip and a bit of vodka but didn’t go too overboard. Well I have been paying for that ever since, I have been very sick, my stomach is not okay at all and I haven’t done a single bit of exercise since.
On the drinking note, I would just like to say my husband bought me a bottle of whipped cream vodka for christmas and it is still half full, last year that would have been well gone by now
However I am off to PT tomorrow afternoon so I have no doubt he will make me pay for every single indiscretion and I am good with that!
I am meeting an old friend tomorrow, we went to intermediate and high school together and have recently caught up thanks to facebook, she also struggles with her weight and since around august she has given up sugar and has joined this group called big boys/big girls they work out at the gym three mornings a week and what a change it has made to her, and to others, it is so awesome seeing programmes out there targeted specifically at us fatties, so I am going to go along wed morning 5am and give it a try with her.
I am noticing huge changes now, just things I hadn’t really thought about, I can now sit on the couch and put my socks on and tie my shoelaces, I used to have to do it on the boot of my car as it is the only place I could get my legs up high enough to be able to reach down and tie them. Everything is just getting easier.
I now have big goal in place, I haven’t really had one to work towards other than losing weight but I plan on flying this year and I need to fit comfortably in an aeroplane seat, without having to rely on one of my kids to sit in the seat next to me so I can spread out. And without having to squash the poor person next to me or pull my shoulders in everytime a stewardess walks past me, hell I might even be able to fit in the toilets lol!!
So I want to be under 100 kilos by may this year, is it achievable? Who knows? I can only but try. Last weigh in I was 122.5, I may be slightly more than that tomorrow but we shall see, 5 months 22 kilos
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