What a week!!!
A week of pain that is!! Jesus I don’t think there has been a day i have not hurt this week, it started with mondays class which consisted of this
100 jumping jacks
50 crunches
20 tricep dips
15 squats
20 lunges (each leg)
20 calf raises
5 push ups
30 sec plank
run the hill
It was hard, bloody hard, I managed it almost three times, I missed the last plank and push ups but he still made me do the hill!! The next day everything and I mean everything hurt there were muscles in places I didn’t even know had muscles that hurt. The jumping jacks were the killers, The first 50 I managed in sets of 10 the last 50 sets of 5 and fuck they hurt, the other girls managed to do it 4 times, there is no way I could have!!!
Wednesday we did boxing thank god, I love boxing its not really like doing a workout it goes so quickly! Oh then he made us lunge up that hill, yep sore legs again thursday. Then friday I met ness at the stadium to run the track, now the most I have ever run is a straight and a curve so basically 200m, well I managed the whole track this time, then we walked half and ran another 100m I was very stoked with myself, massive achievement considering when I started this journey I couldn’t even run 100m.
I would like to just stop for a minute and thank vannessa, I know I have said it before but she is so awesome, she is such an encouragement, she has stuck by me through this whole thing, tolerated my slowness at the gym, jogged and walked with me slowly round that track when she can do 3 x as much as I can, she has stuck with me in classes so I am not the last person to finish and she pushes me when I need pushing, it is really nice to have someone who always has your back no matter how lazy you are being!!
Anyhow saturdays class, jesus that was hideous we did it in pairs and one had to jog the driveway whilst the other did the exercise then swap over until we had done 100 of each exercise. Poor sandy got teamed up with me, and god bless her for doing extra leg raises and caterpillars to save me having to do them!! Today my arms and shoulders are in agony, I hope they calm down before class tomorrow because the thought of exercising again is not pleasant. I also had to apologise to mike as I did swear at him yesturday, usually I manage to keep it in my head or say it under my breath or even hang him the fingers inside my boxing gloves but yesturday those caterpillars earned him a fuck you!! And I felt really bad about it enough so I had to apologise after the fact, though apparently I am not the first, nor will I be the last!
I freakin love my shape shift girls they are so awesome, I love that we have a good laugh, that we enjoy our classes together and each others company, I love that the classes are small enough we all get to know each other and you not just a faceless person in a crowd of 30 others at the gym. Mike put this on his page today and I could not agree with him more, the atmosphere is awesome, the people are awesome
one thing you will notice about the classes I take and the woman that do them , this is not a gym as such where you have to look your best, you wont see any woman here with fancy gears and no ideas , their is nobody here that you have to impress, their are no mirrors , their are no fancy posters , their are no attitudes, what we do have is a great bunch of ladies that support each other in their training , we laugh we cry , we work out , we have fun . I am here to guide you and push you where need be and your support network are the ladies in your group to tell you, …. YOU CAN DO IT.
And just to end with I weighed myself at the gym on friday another 3 kilos down!!!!
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