Just spent an amazing two weeks in the south island, we flew into christchurch, which was a real eye opener, three years on and the earthquake damage is still enough to make you cry, boy that brought back some memories driving round that city, it has been 14 years since I left and it felt like just yesturday. I also had the opportunity to stay with a lovely family and have a few drinks and a bit of a laugh.
So the second night there we stayed in a hotel, with a gym of course, which sadly sucked a bit but I still used it, then the next morning got up nice and early and started doing couch to 5k, I jogged 60secs, walked 90 for 30 mins, did well, except my bloody feet, jeez they hurt a lot!!!
We then drove to alexandra where I spent my brothers 30th with him and the kids learned to ice skate, they loved it spent hours on the rink, which was amazing, it was outdoors and there was snow on the mountains behind, just gorgeous and I fell a little in love with that place!! My brother made us walk up the side of a bloody mountain to see a giant clock, it was a long way and steep and my first reaction, purely because it has always been my reaction was hell no, I am not going up there, it will kill me!!!
Well, I went up there and it didn’t kill me and sadly I enjoyed it!
We then went to dunedin to stay with friends who we really do adore and miss dreadfully since they moved from auckland! The first day there we went for a walk on the beach so I did my walk 90, jog 60 along the beach, holy shit I thought I was going to die, my calves were burning, my feet were killing me, who knew running on sand was that much harder lol!!
We had an amazing time in dunners did cadbury world, the art gallery all the touristy things, then moved on to invercargill to stay with even more awesome peeps, whilst there I was dragged along to a boxfit class, it was awesome, i loved it and the instructor was very impressed, it is funny people see fat and instantly think unfit, I showed her lol, she kept congratulating me on how fast I had picked it up lol, little did she know I had done it many times before!!!
We then came back to dunedin for a few nights, to celebrate hubbies birthday and just hang out, then off we went back to chch where I caught up with two more very dear friends!!
On the whole trip we had takeaways once, we ate very well and I exercised right up until the last few days and then it was amazing how quickly I got out of the habit!!! What i did notice was how many more things we did, we went out and did things, we didn’t just sit around and drink, before, doing things was a little hard the thought of walking around places just didn’t appeal, there is no way in hell I would have walked up that hill, I would have waited in the car for the others to come back. We parked further away from things, thought nothing of walking 10mins down the beach to see the moeraki boulders instead of parking up the top and walking down a few steps. I just had so much more energy and motivation and so did my hubby, we had such an amazing time together as a family and we really enjoyed each others company, we never had a honey moon and it was kind of like having one to be honest.
So I got back home and the days went by and I didn’t exercise and I didn’t feel like it and boom just like that old habits creeping in. But mike to the rescue, he got in touch and made me it easy for me to come back to class, god bless him and here I am with sore legs and abs and arms and I am feeling pretty good!!!
Every now and again, we just need to sit back and look at how awesome our lives are, I have an amazing family, a gorgeous husband whom I adore, true friends who have known me forever, through good and bad and still love me, I have a trainer who gives a shit and I am very blessed and very happy!!! Oh and hubby got a wicked promotion and a massive payrise, all is well in my world
On a side note – whilst we were away I discovered a lump on my shoulder, my bra kept rubbing on it and I was a little concerned about it till I discovered it was my collar bone lol!!! I don’t remember it disappearing but here it is back again, little things!!!!