Trainers are quite frankly assholes!!!
Now mike asked me the other day if I was holding back because he read my blog!! Hell no I haven’t been at all, he just hadn’t been that mean.
Now it may be coincidental but on saturday after class I happened to stop into the local coffee shop, I happened to be coerced(not) into having a white chocolate mocha which happened to be the most amazing thing I think I have ever had, I then walked out without paying. When I posted on her wall to apologise mike sprung me!! You know when your trainer catches you at the local chocolate shop it is going to hurt
So on monday off I went to class and dear god he was mean, he was super freakin mean. I can admit now, that I had been feeling great after the last few classes, very little pain, I was thinking hell I am getting good at this shit. Yeah, no I am not, I think for a short space of time he discovered a deeply hidden nice gene and was just a little kinder on us all. On monday he buried that gene right back down as deep as he could and boy did he work us!!
The first half hour was fine, bike and boxing with him, sweet as, we are good at that now, then the hell started – crunches, boxing, lunges, squats, kettle bells, that god damn hill, more squats and crunches and by the end I had no energy, nothing left in me, I didn’t even want to speak, I was truly and utterly rooted!!
I expected a lot of pain today, a lot, I expected to barely be able to walk, however, and I loathe to say this cause I know the shit will read this, but I am actually not that sore, across my shoulders and a little bit on my legs that is it. Though we have class again tomorrow so I am sure he will rectify the lack of pain!!
June 10th, 2014 at 8:43 pm
As mean as I am , easy is what got you to where you are at , hard and mean but fair will get you where you need to be .