Well its been a while
So let me catch you up, I got through christmas and new years eating like a pig, drinking more than I should have, and when I finally got the motivation to venture back to the gym I was absolutely stoked to find I had only put on a kilo, I am not kidding I was expecting around 10 because in the past it would have been!!
This got me thinking that perhaps this exercise thing is actually working, perhaps it has actually done something with my metabolism and I am actually burning more than I used to.
I have decided I am simply going to be more active, I walk with the kids, hell I even walked to the gym, I am enjoying being out and about rather than just going to the gym which admittedly was starting to bore me.
So I walk/run the track behind my house, yes run!!!! Not huge distances but I can do over 100m now I used to struggle to run 10 so we are getting there, I have walked/run the track at the stadium and the stairs a few times and I am going to the gym at least twice a week. so it is just about slowly getting there. In total I am nearly 8 kilos down from 6 months ago, once this would have gutted me, but you know what 8 kilos is 8 kilos and it took me around 10 years to put on the 70 odd kilos I did so I figure it should take me just as long to lose it and I am good with it.
I am so stoked with the small things, the ability to jog ( admittedly I can only do it once or twice a week cause it takes that long for my calves to stop hurting!!!) That is huge, massively huge and I am super stoked with myself.
So onwards and upwards from here!!!
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