So last time we spoke, I was struggling after having a weekend off, I came right and I got back into it but now I am struggling again, this whole thing is a real mind fuck!! I am so much fitter and I feel so much better, but my weight is going back up, why?? I am not 100% sure, I am eating okay, I am eating a million times better than I ever have, I am exercising, some weeks probably not as much as I should be but I still do at least my PT day and 2 others even if it is just a walk – yet still the weight comes back on.
This weekend I had a friend up and I was a bit naughty I ate things I shouldn’t have but I didn’t go crazy, I should have logged it to give me a little more perspective but I didn’t. And I know I have put on even more weight. Today I am going to weigh myself just to show how easy it is for someone like me to pile on weight and how I got to the point I did.
Don’t get me wrong I am not giving up, I need to be healthier and fitter which I am , but the weight loss has been too bigger focus for me and for others I need to forget about that side of it, I need to focus on exercise. I need people to stop asking me how much weight I have lost, to stop looking for progress because I feel like I have let people down and if they can’t physically see how well I am doing they will just assume I have given up. It has taken me 4 months to get where I am today, 4 months of changing my world, 4 months of doing things I never thought I could, 4 months of exercise, 4 months of eating well, 4 months of losing old habits and a few days to put it all back on again. And this is where I feel like I have failed and I shouldn’t, so the weight is back but the fitness is still here, and that is where my focus needs to be or I will just give up.
There are few people in this world that can possibly understand how hard this is, I think kylie ann is perhaps the only person who gets how fustrating it is to work with a body this big, everything is so hard, trying to exercise with this much fat and this much weight is a killer, my mind wants to do it, my body tries but fails me over and over again.
I go for a walk and I try to jog in between, which I can do but only for short bursts my breathing is not stopping me, it is this enormous body that just won’t keep up with my head, unless you have been here you can’t even begin to get it.
I know I am probably babbling a bit but i am fustrated that it is that hard to get off and that easy to put back on, that it takes me a few days to undo the good of a few months and I wonder if this will ever end, will I ever get to the point that I can lose more than I can put on or will this always be a never ending mind fuck for me?
I have a friend vannessa who kind of blows my mind a little in her never ending support of me, she rings me all the time and sees how I am going, she rarely talks about what I eat or if I have been naughty, she focuses on the exercise, she is the one that is willing to come with me to the stadium, and plod along with me, even though she is 20 x fitter than me, who has invited me to come do her circuit with her, who encourages me every day, who wants me to come to the gym with her even though she knows I can never keep up with her, she is the one who at the class we did, jogged next to me at my slow pace, even though she could have kept up with the others, she stayed with me so I wasn’t the on my own. She is slim, really slim and for some reason she just gets it, she gets how hard it is for me, she gets that when I do things I am doing it with three times the weight she is. I don’t know how but she just seems to understand and I appreciate her more than she will ever know, she has made this journey so much easier for me, and she has never ever made me feel bad about any part of it.
Anyway I am sitting here in tears of fustration because this is going to be me forever, this is never going to change, the struggle to be a slimmer me, even though I may get there one day it is not going to happen overnight, it is probably going to take years and I think I will battle with it every day for the rest of my life – that is a depressing thought